Wednesday 4 March 2015

Why you should be cooking





This is buy far the main reason you should be cooking.It's a very simple logic.You decide! You decide the decide the type of oils.You decide the method of you decide the number of calories your dish is going to be. 

Don't you want that luxury to eat whatever,how much ever and still stay healthy.Eating outside will not help you achieving that goal.You can have all the nutrition you want in the form of vegetables,fruits,meats etc and have a balanced diet. 

I can copy paste a bunch of surveys and prove that home cooked meals have lesser carbohydrates,fats and oils but you already know that.Still you choose to eat outside because restaurant food is tastier? Well why not start learning to cook!

2.Skills and being independent




Being a cook gives you skills you can use and master for a lifetime.Weather you are at your folks,or at your friends,you can cook and give them a meal and make yourself proud.Basic skills can easily be learned in cookbooks or taught by closed loved ones.Get that desire to learn and get going.

believe me when i say will get the utmost satisfaction cooking your own meals.and seriously if you are someone who asks your mother for a cup of tea,Get a life!




You don't have to be a rocket scientist to guess now that buying your own meat and vegetables are way less expensive than having a meal at outside.The ratio of money spent on dining out and home cooking is at least 2:1.So basically you can have delicious home cooked meals with half the amount of money.It must not seem a great deal but try and calculate the money you save whole month and you will be in for a big surprise.So stop eating pre packaged food and start cooking.

4.Fresh ingredients




No matter which place you eat and what your instructions are to the chef,you will never get the exact ingredients in your dish compared to home cooking.You just cannot know how much time or days even the salmon served on your plate has been sitting in the fridge.Cooking for yourself lets gives you the option to choose your own ingredients.You choose your best ingredients and also choose the amount of calories you need.So limit your portions by cooking with low calorie ingredients.




Why wait for the deli down your street to open to have a descent plate of food when you can make your own.Cook whenever you want and eat whenever you want,thanks to a thing called the refrigerator.It is quite convenient as you can cook and throw dishes in plastic bags to have them later.

6.Family time



From my experience working in the kitchen always unites you as a family.If you finally get off your couch and decide well i am going to give this a try,i am sure your family will be curious and happy to help you.They will cut vegetables for you,they will boil potato's for you and before you know it your whole family is in the kitchen.It really is a fun activity and you will soon realize cooking is a great way for families to bond with each other.

To conclude,you can think of hundred ways not to could say you are addicted to fast food or you could say i do not posses the skills.But the truth is if you do not start now,you never will.But i hope you do.I will not get any benefit if you cook or not but your family will.Cook for your loved ones and enjoy life.

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